Category: Time Management

  • STOP Being Busy and Create More Time with these Productivity Hacks

    Feeling overwhelmed and so busy like there is just not enough time in the day? Instead of having LESS time, let’s create MORE of it! Learn these essential Productivity Hacks in this episode of The Lifehack Show. Be the Master of Your Time by understanding The Superstructure Method, and all of the Four Steps to…

  • A Stress-Free Way To Prioritizing Tasks And Ending Busyness

    Winning the game of life is not always easy. If you’re like the majority of people, you’re probably used to struggling with learning new things and getting on top of your everyday tasks and demands. For instance, do you regularly find it hard to keep on track with your work tasks and projects? And how…

  • How To Create An Effective Schedule For Time Management

    Are you excited by the fact that you have the same 24-hours in your day as the likes of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Oprah Winfrey? Or do you find yourself more concerned about the fact that you only have 24-hours in a day to get everything done? There are those who are able to…

  • How To Use the Time Management Matrix To Do What Matters

    How To Use the Time Management Matrix To Do What Matters

    When major life changes or disruptions happen, time management is one of the first things to fly out the window. In those situations, time can lose all definitions. Understandably, the terms “urgent” and “important” take on new meanings. In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey popularized a concept he calls…